Tag Archives: epidemic

The Tipping Point (Malcomb Gladwell)

I just finished The Tipping Point by Malcomb Gladwell.  For a non-fiction work, this was quite a page-turner for me.  Fascinating.  Thought-provoking.  Intriguing.

  • How do eccentric tastes suddenly become a mainstream movement?  Seemingly overnight?
  • tipping_point1What is it about trendsetters that makes them able to set off trends for the rest of us?
  • What does an epidemic flu or AIDS or teenage smoking have anything in common with shoe fashion, kids television programming, or crime sprees?
  • Ever notice how great and innovative ideas seem to flounder despite our best efforts — until the right person sees it?  Or until the right environment exists for it?  Why is that?
  • Is there a way for us mere mortals to start epidemic movements of our own?

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